Tag: Kris Humphries

  • New Orleans Pelicans MLE Tournament: Kris Humphries vs. Jordan Hamilton

    This round of the MLE Tournament pits Kris Humphries against Jordan Hamilton. For prior matchups, click here.  Kris Humphries (2 Years and $9 million) by Jake Madison “And with the last pick of the Bourbon Street Shots’ MLE Tournament, Jake J. Madison selects Kris Humpries.” …That’s not what I wanted to hear, I thought. Is there no […]

  • The Missing Piece: Building an Advanced Team

    Last Week, the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference took place in Boston, and some interesting presentations were made that might or might not influence decision makers in the NBA, both now and in future generations to come. There is an old school vs. new school debate going on right now in NBA circles, with the […]