Category: Blog

  • Hornets Could Sign Their Own Big Three

    All summer long Hornets fans waited, speculated, and then waited some more for the franchise to open up it’s pocketbooks. Finally, on July first the opening bell rang and the money started flowing out, for most teams anyway. Instead, the faithful are left with only the taste of Luther Head lingering on their breath, afraid […]

  • An Open Proposition For Ryan

    The Hornets are about to embark on a defining season, the results of which are certain to dictate the franchise’s long term plan. So much riding on so few games isn’t a new thing for NBA teams, but the Hornets have more at stake than most due to Paul’s unhappiness with the situation. If they […]

  • An Open Proposition For Ryan

    The Hornets are about to embark on a defining season, the results of which are certain to dictate the franchise’s long term plan. So much riding on so few games isn’t a new thing for NBA teams, but the Hornets have more at stake than most due to Paul’s unhappiness with the situation. If they […]

  • He’s a Gambling Man

    Whoa, Dell Demps, calm down! It’s only been a few short weeks, but Dell has already shown Hornets Nation that he doesn’t mess around. About 17 hornets fans knew about Dell before he jumped from the number four position in San Antonio to the number one position in New Orleans. Only a few short weeks […]

  • He’s a Gambling Man

    Whoa, Dell Demps, calm down! It’s only been a few short weeks, but Dell has already shown Hornets Nation that he doesn’t mess around. About 17 hornets fans knew about Dell before he jumped from the number four position in San Antonio to the number one position in New Orleans. Only a few short weeks […]

  • Game On: Template

    Intro… Numbers: Pace: Opponent (), Hornets () Offensive Efficiency: Opponent (), Hornets () Defensive Efficiency: Opponent (), Hornets () Linkage: Ryan’s game preview Journals: Lagniappe: Link Standings: Rival bloggers: (Many thanks to Dariusz for today’s banner featuring WHO WHO. Be sure to check out more of Dariusz’s designs in our Wallpapers vault.)

  • Trivia prep

    Intro… Who the hell is Steve Kostorowski? (CP’s trainer)

  • News Wrap prep

    Guerry Smith, New Orleans Sports Examiner: Paul, one of the five best players in the NBA, deserved better. Everyone else on the team let him down. Power forward David West gave ammunition to the critics who suggested he was a third option forced into a role as a second option despite his breakout performance in […]