Anthony Davis: For All My Gamers Out There

If you are like me and can’t wait until October to see Anthony Davis playing for the Hornets in a meaningful game, then there is only one cure to what ails you: NBA2K12. I have created the 2012 draft class and if you follow the instructions below, you can be playing with AD and whomever you want to take at #10 in less than 15 minutes. (Sorry XBox 360 only)

1. Start a new Association. In the settings, make sure you put Trade Override ON. You will need this later.

2. Pick the Hornets as your team (duh!)

3. After you set your player roles, select “Download Draft Class from 2K Share”

4. Press Y and search “By File Name”. File Name is Hornets247

5. Simulate the season.

6. Do your offseason tasks, then stop after the draft lottery. Take notice of who has the 1st and 10th picks. Go to General Manager- then trades. Trade the Horents 1st rounder for the #1 overall pick. Trade the Hornets 2nd rounder for the 10th pick overall. The other teams will reject this, but that’s why you put on Trade Override! Gamers who would also like to play online casino games may use this slot gacor gaming platform.

7. Draft AD #1 and whomever you like #10. I have done this a few times and Beal, Barnes, MKG, and Robinson all go 2-5 in some order. Also, Rivers and Sullinger are usually off the board as well. Personally, I took Marshall for my team.

8. Have a blast in free agency (EG10 usually gets a max offer you have to match and Asik comes pretty cheap. Kaman wants 4 years/32)

9. Dominate the 2012-2013 season!

Editor’s Note: No, the picture above is not MY draft class. I actually have Davis as an 86 coming right in off the bat. MKG is an 81 and there are a bunch of guys in the 74-78 range after that.

43 responses to “Anthony Davis: For All My Gamers Out There”

  1. Why does Drummond have a higher rating than Davis?

    What if Dell sees this and decides to draft Drummond instead!?

    • Check the note at the bottom.

      I am not looking at it now, but I believe Davis is an 86 with 98 potential and Drummond is a 73 with 92 potential.

      Somewhere Da Throne boils, ragging with anger, plotting his revenge!

    • there are four great all-star for sure talents in this draft——-sf kidd-gichrist,pf anthony davis,sg bradley beal,pf thomas robinson. —if we can get one of the big four and get multiple picks with our own picks to build this solid all the way through our roster which a championship teams need more then a couple guys but a bench with starters is very important. Go look it up on on how many picks teams have and are going to have and what we could get to get better. look at the top four spots and the cavs got picks 4,24,33,34 in 2012 very deep draft. they have there 2013 and 2014 and 2015 draft picks rounds one and two and beyond. they own the 2013 lakers first round pick. they own kings pick that can be cashed in for a lottery pick between now and 2017. own miami pick which they can have the chance to use when there team is busted up and thier pick can be lottery. Along with second round picks from magic and other teams. Plus the next two years shabazz and parker(which parker is the most highley ranked and touted prospect in a decade or more,no one can argue that) are coming out giving us more chances or options and picks to draft top guys or who we want with thier picks and ours. plus they have c/pf double double guy all-star calibar player in anderson varejae in his prime. Also high energy and high motor and relentless worker and hustler and rebounder prospect in pf/c tristian thompson.Not saying we need to trade for or be able to get all these draft picks or both players but we have options out there to look at. Picks this year to look at to trade for are—cavs picks and players——-portlands picks 6th pick and 11th pick——-kings 5th pick—–golden states 7th pick ——-raptors pick 8th——– players to trade for center demarcus cousins and sg/sf/pg tyreke evans——- sf carmelo anthony——pf/c dejuan blair,pf/sf josh smith———centers andrew bynum and or dwight howard——-pg rajon rondo,pg d.j. augustin——-free agent pg deron williams,pg ramon sessions(solid back up), c brook lopez,sg/sf o.j. mayo,c greg oden(if recovered from injury would be a steal),sg/pg delonte west(great combo guard off the bench with range and defence)——–not saying all the options to do but some choices we have out there to be a dynasty like lakers and boston and stay on top build strong and tough all the way through our bench..

      • You sure do know lots more about the Cavs than the Bobcats or Hornets.

        Why is that?

      • they have more picks bobcats and wizzards just have there picks and trading out of that would take us out of the running of the main four…if we traded with all portlands pickls 6,11 we would miss those guys!

    • Same here :/

      But there are other draft classes you can download on the PS3 with the new draft class on it. I did so a few months ago. It’s a blast!

    • I went through the PS3 draft classes, and the best one is:

      ZACHB 2012 V3

      Just search for that one and follow the same steps to start your dynasty

  2. What do you do once you put in the name “hornets247”? I can see it on the list but it won’t let me select it to download it! Please help.

    • You should just select it with A. Anybody else having problems?

      Also, at the main screen you can go to 2K share and download it from there before you start your Association

      • Really weird.. I just watched a video on it on youtube, i have no idea why it’s not responding.

      • I went back to the main menu a second time and it worked! Awesome, thanks.

    • When that happens, back out of everything and goto

      Features(i believe)- 2K Share- and then get to Draft CLasses- then search it up again and you will be able to get it

  3. Pretty cool.

    I drafted Davis and Marshall… Drummond lasted until pick 19 but I didnt want hime to make it more realistic.

    I resigned EG and matched an offer for Aminu, and let Landry and Kaman go.

    Since this year’s free agent class is pretty dull, I decided to just go MM’s way and sign Ilyasova and Asik, along with Dont Draft Me, who surprisingly went undrafted.

    Okafor/Asik/Draft Me

    Hopefully that isnt the Hornets’ lineup for last season.. I just wanted to play one quick game with Davis.

    • I like it, actually.

      One thing I found with the Davis I created is that he stays out on the perimeter too much for my liking.

      You might want to play around with his tendencies to get him where you like him. Go to General Manager- then roster- select player- edit player and scroll until you get to tendencies and play with that a bit if he is staying on the perimeter too much.

  4. Why isn’t Lillard 80+? Kidding. I still like the guy, although I see your point in comparing his freshman year with Rivers’s. After doing a little research, I saw that Seth Curry’s stats dropped a good bit once joining a better program (Duke). Could also be because of fewer looks, but more likely just because he’s facing better competition.

    Do you really think A. Davis is an 86 already? I’m not disagreeing, just a little stunned. I thought of him as ~82. Glad to see you think that highly of him. That’s All-Star caliber

    • I found guys who were similar in each area of their game and gave Davis their exact number for that attribute. 2K12 spit the number 86 back at me. That’s how I did it for all these guys. I said- Who is X guy similar to in this area, got that number and plugged it in.

      MKG being that much higher than the 3rd, 4th, 5th guys, etc was the biggest surprise to me.

      And PG’s dont have high overalls in that game because they dont do as many things as every other position. I mean Vasquez is a 66 (Marshall 72, Lillard 71 in mine)

    • NBA 2K12 ratings go from 25-99

      So thats why its alot of good players with lower ratings, back then a few years ago they went with the 50-99 system, considering Dirk is a 88 in the game, AD shouldnt be above 80 yet, i think 78 for his first year

  5. This is incredible – obviously made with a PC. ZachB’s on the PS3 is no comparison.

    ANYBODY KNOW OF A PS3 DRAFT CLASS LIKE THIS GETTING MADE?? I’d make it myself if I had any idea how!

  6. I love the pic for davis i know you said that isnt your class but is it the same player pics. Im still using the one with the huge bumps on the foreheads lol

  7. Well be downloaded next time I log in…
    Hopefully it will be more realistic than some of the other draft classes others have put out…

    • I think I found your major issue with Davis lingering around the perimeter…
      You have his #1 play type as a P&R Ballhandler… Should be Roll Man… Then post high… Mid range… And iso…

    • Honestly, I just took time to do the top 15 guys or so- the guys that might be Hornets. But you could download the class on the main screen and go in and edit it yourself- take one of the SF’s and turn him into Royce White if you want him. I just really did the main guys because I got other stuff to do-

      Like the Tenth Pick Tourney that starts in less than two hours baby!!!

  8. I did this today, I trade for Kawai Leonard too and trade away Ariza and ALonzo Gee, I signed Asik, and Dalembert too. I draft Lillard and Davis, resigned Gordon for like 10 million a year, and since the copy of my disc is broken, it doesn’t let me get thru a game(but i ordered on and its coming tomorrow) so then i will start the new season.<3

  9. Nice Draft Class!
    So I sim through the season and kept the roster intact as it currently stands.
    In the off season:
    Traded Okafor, 2nd rnd 2013 to Hou for Camby, 1st Rnd 2013.
    On Draft night selected Anthony Davis #1, then Utah offered their #5 & Raja Bell for #10 & JJack. Selected Perry Jones #5. POR offered their #26 & Shawne Williams for Ariza, I then flipped that pick to Philly for 1st rnd 2013.
    Free Agency
    Signed Asik to 1yr/3.4mil
    Signed Chris Paul to 4yr max + player option
    Matched Eric Gordon to 5yr/45mil
    Resigned Carl landry to 2yr/10.5mil
    Resigned Aminu to 1yr quailfying offer
    Took team option on Vasquez and Henry

    PG: Paul / Vasquez
    SG: Gordon / Henry / Bell
    SF: Jones / Aminu / Williams
    PF: Davis / Landry / Smith
    C: Asik / Ayon / Camby

    Hold HOU & PHI first Rnd picks 2013.

  10. I got to the draft and it was all fake people.. I didn’t see Davis and I typed in the Hornets247 thing. Please give me some help on this!

    • Did you follow the steps? I have a feeling you skipped step 3.

      Also, you can go to 2K Share on the main screen, click download and press right bumper until you get to draft class. Press Y and search for Hornets247 —- and for all of you I did an update called “Hornets247Update” where I improved some of the tendencies for the guys, added Meyers Leonard, etc.

      Download that and then BEFORE the season begins, it will ask you which draft class you want to use for the following summer. That is when you have to select the draft class you just downloaded.

  11. No what happened was it wouldn’t let me select your gamer tag so I restarted it and then it randomly let me select. It was weird but its all good now! Thanks for the help!

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